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Staying healthy as you travel: The top 3 natural remedies for travellers....

Borneo Ethical Adventures

Updated: Feb 4, 2020

Here are the top 3 natural remedies to take on your travels.

Whether you are travelling to Borneo or anywhere else, it really sucks when you are feeling anything less than your amazing self.

It's always hard to know what to take and what to leave behind when you hit the road. And with more and more bugs in the big wide world and a desire to travel lighter than ever before, it's often the first aid kit that we struggle with the most.

Here's my top 3 natural remedies that I think are worth packing in your kit and a couple more of my favourites for good measure...

Top 3 natural remedies for travellers; Anti-Bac Disinfectant, Pil Chi-Kit Teck and Nutmeg Balm

1. Le Pal - Anti Bac Spray 

This anti-bacterial spray is incredible!!! It has so many uses!

I travel with the carry-on size (30ml) spray bottle in my hand luggage.

Before the plane has left the tarmac, spray down your throat and it will be the first line of defence against any aeroplane bugs.

You can also spray utensils, hands and elsewhere as a disinfectant.

But the best reason to travel with Anti-Bac has to be in the treatment of bites, cuts and scratches. At the first sign of infection (red or inflamed skin, simply spray your Anti-Bac on the wound. If it 'fizzes' - it's a sure sign that you have a bit of infection starting..nip the infection in the bud with a regular blast of Anti-Bac.

Everything from tooth aches and ear infections to tinea can also be treated with this little bottle of wonder. It certainly is my No 1 essential first-aid supply, I don't leave home without it on all my treks and travels.

Anti- bac is a simple solution of diluted hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver.

You can purchase Le Pal Anti-Bac at Rener Health Clinics, 412 Canning Highway, Attadale or call the clinic and they'll post to you.

At less that $20 for a travel size bottle, it will quickly become your family favourite, whether at home or abroad.  

2. Pil Chi-Kit Teck Aun

Pil Chi-Kit Teck Aun has been a go-to remedy in every Malay medicine cupboard since 1936 when a Chinese immigrant by the name of Bong NG Tong started making up herbal remedies for fellow coolies pre-Japanese Invasion. 

This magic pill is a natural remedy used for everything from stomach aches, gastro and period pains through to motion sickness and nausea.

I've been known to do a drive-by and drop boxes of these little babies in letterboxes of friends that have contracted a house full of gastro, and in the process the wonders of Pil Chi-Kit Teck wins a place in the heart of another of my family and friends! :) 

I buy these as I travel and bring supplies back so I'm not sure of a local supplier. I suggest starting with any good Chinese/Malay asian supermarket or source them on-line at E-Bay and Amazon. 

They are cheap as chips in Malaysia at around around 0.30 cents a packet and are simple blend of Chinese herbs.

3. Nutmeg Balm (Balsem Pala) Yes- it's another remedy you may never have come across. Nutmeg Balm is beautiful smelling blend of nutmeg oil, camphor, menthol and other traditional Chinese herbs. It truely is a miracle cure for tired and aching muscles, any back, shoulder, neck pains etc and strains. Great to dab on your temples or pulse points for headaches, nausea, colds and blocked noses. Nutmeg balm is also great to relieve itchiness from mosquito and insect bites. Hell, they reckon it even cures flatulence- but I wouldn't know about that! There are some brands the locals prefer over others but I've found that all seem pretty similar in ingredients so just grab what ever you can find.

Nutmeg balm is similar to a Tiger Balm but not as intense in heat.

Once again, I recommend looking for nutmeg balm in a well-stocked asian supermarket or on-line.

I discovered the wonders of nutmeg and pil chi-ket teck whilst living in Borneo and hanging with locals and from the herbalists in the back streets of Kuching. These days I always bring back a stack for friends and family and these essentials are part of the travel kit that all Borneo Ethical Adventurers receive when we set out on tour.

Anti-Bac and a few other go-to favourites I've learnt about from the naturopaths and the helpful staff at Rener Health Clinics.

And here's a couple of natural products that are possibly not essential, but they are well worth knowing about. All of these are available from a well-stocked naturopath clinic like Rener Health Clinics in Attadale, West Australia.

Kidnetone by Oriental Botanicals.

As a women in her 50's I've started to retain fluid during flights and a fluid balancing kidney health called Kidnetone has really solved this problem for me.

I start taking it a few days prior to the flight and continue for a few day after, and hey presto -No more elephant woman!!

Basica ActiveE by Protina Pharmicia, Germany. A sugar-free alkalising mineral formula. Basica ActivE is an excellent re-hydration salt and comes in easy to swallow one-hit sachets. Great for an active or trek day, or every day in a hot, humid climate.

CNF Relief Formula by ChinaMed. At the first sign of cold, sore throat or flu start throwing these Chinese herbs down your throat. Fingers crossed you keep it at bay or worst case scenario, reduce the lurgy's intensity or duration.

NEW KID ON THE BLOCK.....Immune +, by Food Boost

Let's face it, sometimes the healthy options aren't always easy to find when travelling and Immune + is the perfect supplement to protect your health and boost your immunity.

All organic and ethically sourced ingredients, this premium blend of anise seed, marshmallow root, cardamom, true cinnamon, star anise, pimento, ginger, cloves, and nutmeg powders comes in an easy travel size package.

Simply stir 1/2 teaspoon into your beverage of choice daily and this unique naturopathic formula will keep you healthy and on the road with an extra spring in your step!

Immune + can be purchased online at Don't forget to check out the great recipes on Food Boost Website while you are there.

Stay safe my fellow travellers and let me know what's in your essential first aid kit.


Borneo Ethical Adventures



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